fantastic shadows on this house. caught while stopped at a stop light on the way home from work. these car shots are getting dangerous. i've got my foot jammed down as hard as i can on the break pedal...just to make sure...and then i quickly reach for my camera, whip off the lens cap, roll down the passenger window...twist my body as far as i can over to the opposite side of the car to do my best to get the shot totally out of the window...hit click...and check in my rear view mirror to see if i've pissed anybody off and out the front to see if the light has turned green. phew.
That is an amazing shot. It was definitely worth hitting the brakes for this one. You captured the shadow of the tree on the old yellow house perfectly! Bravo!
Thank you Sue! I'm so happy you like it - it caught my attention from quite a distance away...
Great shot for the blog! Guess you know you need a signed release from the homeowner in order to sell this, though. The stuff you learn from being on RB! lol Lois Bryan wrote that she carries a stack of release forms in her camera bag. ☺
Oops...no, actually I had no idea!! Is it OK to post on the blog though? So much to learn....
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