
One of my favorite quotes is by Martha Graham:

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it.

It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.

No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.”

I've read that you "learn to write by writing...learn to love by loving...learn to cook by cooking..." and that all we can ever do is "start where we are". This is my attempt to start where I am….in order to move towards the nagging visions in my heart and mind. I'm not even sure how to do that with a blog - - but being here beckons me - - so I am going to "keep the channel open, stop questioning and just march on".

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Today I am grateful for...your light...that illuminates my darkness.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Home Page Feature

I am excited to share that one of my images on RedBubble was featured on their home page!!! Very exciting!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter Five

It hadn’t always been like this. The constant gnawing in her abdomen. Gripping fear that kept her up at night, taunting her with thoughts of a meaningless life. There had been a time of blissful ignorance.

It was hard to discern which urging to follow. Instinct insisted that if a thought did not leave a trail of peace then maybe it was misleading; false. Possible residue of lies sold to us through marketing and advertising media – souls determined to validate our insecurities in order to gain their material wealth? Left over negative ideas from all the different voices of life in general? Her own beliefs of not being good enough…something that needed to be shaken off daily?

As uncomfortable as the thoughts were, she began to wonder if they were that of a higher calling to purpose. A not so gentle nudge to jar her awake. Disquieting in the process, but not harmful.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

tree house

fantastic shadows on this house. caught while stopped at a stop light on the way home from work. these car shots are getting dangerous. i've got my foot jammed down as hard as i can on the break pedal...just to make sure...and then i quickly reach for my camera, whip off the lens cap, roll down the passenger window...twist my body as far as i can over to the opposite side of the car to do my best to get the shot totally out of the window...hit click...and check in my rear view mirror to see if i've pissed anybody off and out the front to see if the light has turned green. phew.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

chapter four

Her call for him had always been lurking in the corner of her mind, acknowledged or not, its thirst would not be satisfied in any other way but through his witness of her. It began to reach beyond boundaries which she could keep contained or quieted with daily or material distractions. This pestering need which she did not understand, was not even fully conscious of yet, was casting shadow and doubt onto the things she used to find comfort in and quietly insisting that the things she’d cast her hope in were not real.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

chapter three

Thoughts of him were distracting, invasive. The way he quietly observed and drank in the small details she shared was unanticipated. Most people just skimmed the surface, only acknowledging the pieces of her that served them in some way. His acute witness made her feel alive, real.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the present

“Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.”