
One of my favorite quotes is by Martha Graham:

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it.

It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.

No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.”

I've read that you "learn to write by writing...learn to love by loving...learn to cook by cooking..." and that all we can ever do is "start where we are". This is my attempt to start where I am….in order to move towards the nagging visions in my heart and mind. I'm not even sure how to do that with a blog - - but being here beckons me - - so I am going to "keep the channel open, stop questioning and just march on".

Sunday, November 1, 2009

new sport

I spent way too much time today creating a new online dating profile. Why is it so hard? LOL I think writing the profile and going on the actual dates should be considered for a new Olympic sport. So far I haven't had too many horror stories...but certainly some interesting ones. Ugh. The things we do for love.


Anonymous said...

Good luck in your new "Olympic Sport" (very funny BTW!) chica. It is quite a challenge (been there done that) but needs to be done because unfortunately love doesn't come knocking on your door. (How I wish that were true...BTW I agree with you completely on the whole profile issue..ugh!)Best of luck!!!

Unnamed Author. said...

You know I tried to pretend for years that love would just come knocking on my It sort of does though, right? Because it's always when we stop looking that something seems to happen...
Did you have a successful meeting of someone online?

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love that pretend world? I try to visit it as often as I You make a valid point in regards to things happening once you stop looking. Perhaps because you're so intent on finding it that you miss it. Just like when you're looking for something and it's right there in front of your face but you don't see it. You know what I mean? As to having a successful meeting with somebody online, I came very close, (by the third date I was thinking this is HIM!), but in the end we weren't meant for each other. I do know friends however who have met their significant others online so there is hope. Putting yourself out there is the first step so kudos to you. I wish you much success!