Living in CA and taking for granted walking on the beach every night, watching the sunset and hoping to spy a dolphin...
Being annoyed with Charity as she chatted during our entire hour and a half trek to Whidbey Island to take the ferry to Port Townsend to go to massage school...i am not a morning person...i could not understand why she wanted to talk in the morning...also, i am from the east coast and did not understand why she was being so nice, i thought she had something up her that she's 3000 miles away i'd be willing to put up with a little chatting
I like:
Pasta that is cooked el dente...if it is mushy just feed it to a baby or an old man who has lost all his teeth...but don't give it to me...i am Italian...i want my pasta to bite back when i sink my teeth into it...
Rainy days...because then i don't feel guilty if i want to read a book all day or never get out of my pj's...i like them better when someone spends them with me...also in their pj's...and possibly including building a fort in the living room...and then watching movies through a hole in the fort...
Safety is:
Hearing a mourning dove make it's call...
Music with a soulful or bluesy Mark Broussard, Amos Lee or Diana Krall...but mostly any music...unless it's hair band 80's music...that's good for other things...
I hope:
To meet the man God created for me...and to fall in love...and get married...and build a life together...i also hope there is such a man...
To accomplish something that has meaning before i die...something that is beyond myself and that requires great efforts of a community of people to achieve...and that leaves a positive impact in the world...and that can't happen unless there is a power greater than the sum of us helping us...
I am grateful for:
Friends & Family who give me more grace than i deserve...and love me more than i know how to take in...
Laughter...the silent laughter that cuts off your breathing and causes great tears to roll down your cheeks because it needs to escape somehow...the kind that embarrasses whoever you're with because it's loud and boisterous and draws attention...the deep, hearty chuckle...the kind that makes you fall off your chair and pee your pants a little bit...i love it all
Waw !!! Superbe picture !!!
Stéphan (aka dante21 on redbubble)
Aw, Stephan...thank you! And...thank you for taking a look. :)
See you in the bubble.
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